Author: admin

Courage in Hadith

Courage in Hadith

The following hadith shows the affects of lack of courage and bravery in one’s life – even when facing pain and danger. It is important to always remain brave and to believe in Allah’s mercy and assistance. Allah's Apostle (and his army) encountered the pagans and the two armies fought and then Allah's Apostle returned...

What is Courage in Islam?

What is Courage in Islam?

Definition: Courage enables us to face difficulty, danger or pain in a way that allows us to maintain control over a situation. We can build courage by identifying things that frighten or challenge us and thinking of strategies for coping with them. We also can build courage by remembering that nothing can harm us unless...

Realities of Institutionalized Learning

Realities of Institutionalized Learning

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: The Realities of Institutionalized Learning On a Muslim Homeschooling group that I belong to, someone recently sent a link to this article. I thought it was important – so I’ll share it with you. The following is an excerpt of the article – click above to read the entire article. ” When you...

Learning to Read

Learning to Read

Asalaam 'Alaikum: Teaching your child can be a very exciting time – but also difficult when faced with the many different types of materials available to teach your child. In this case – my experience has shown me that one size definitely does not fit all. I have tried many of the different learning materials...

Allah Made Hands

Allah Made Hands

Our first project was "Allah Made Hands." I took a sheet of paper and traced my youngest's hand on the paper and did the same for her sister on a separate piece of paper. Then, we talked about her handprint and counted how many fingers she had. Then I traced one of my hands on...

Allah Made . . . Lessons Series

Allah Made . . . Lessons Series

Asalaam 'Alaikum: My oldest has been having problems with attention span while doing lessons. So, to interupt the atmosphere of "forced learning" I have decided to transition between our lessons by doing a nice little project that also involves her younger sister (because she gets quite jealous of all the time we spend doing lessons...