Jewel of Muscat

Jewel of Muscat

Asalaam ‘Alaikum, A while ago I received a request to share the following link: The Jewel of Muscat This is an amazing website – and an amazing endeavor. The website has videos, photos and information on the reconstruction of a 9th-century Arab ship, and its historic voyage from Oman to Singapore. The neat thing is...

Let the Games Begin!

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I’ve been looking into educational games lately for the kids. Not games that you purchase necessarily – but even games you make yourself. I’m actually looking into this topic for all of their curricular needs – not just Arabic. We have started looking more at games at local resale shops and have had...

Why I Homeschool

Asalaam ‘Alaikum, I was recently asked to answer some questions about why we homeschool for someone working on an assignment for Journalism. Essentially, they wanted to understand the rights of a homeschooled child with a focus on the right to be heard and the right to individuality. Sometimes a question just spurs you on to...

How Do I Manage?

Asalaam’ Alaikum: We recently discussed being able to manage the workload of being a homeschool mom – parent – wife – sister in Islam, etc. etc. There are many homeschool mother’s who absolutely amaze me with all they are able to get done. Some I know personally, and others I follow on the web. However,...

Teaching Arabic to Different Learning Styles

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: After my last post – when I was talking about my daughter being a Visual-Spatial learner, I was asked how I use this knowledge to teach my daughter Arabic. First of all, I just found out recently about her learning style. When I was starting to teach her Arabic, I was clueless and...

Fun with Spelling

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Spelling time is not always a favorite at my house. Alhumdulilah, I was one of those kids who were born to spell. My favorite toy – I’m not kidding – was the Speak and Spell – when I was growing up! While I was growing up, my dad would actually call me from...