I Havent Forgotten You

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: No, I haven’t forgotten that everyone is waiting for the Arabic Materials that I mentioned before Eid. I will try to upload them by next week – if not, insha’Allah, then in the beginning of next week. Things have been quite hectic over here – homeschooling and all. However, I’ve been meaning to...

Making Arabic Learning Materials Colorful and Interesting

Asalaam ‘Alaikum Everyone and Ramadan Mubarrak! Now, I could have not post until Ramadan is over – but I hate to admit it – we are still trying to work hard and get through our school days. As much as I’d love to take a break (haven’t learned how to successfully yet!) – we just...

Love and Homeschooling Go Hand in Hand

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Perhaps I’m sentimental – perhaps we are just having a good day today – perhaps both, alhumdulilah. Some days just work that way – other days you want to pull out your hair and ask yourself “why am I doing this?” Alhumdulilah – these days definitely balance each other out – and the...

Favorite Learning Links

Favorite Learning Links

Asalaam ‘Alaikum Everyone: I’ve started to compile a list of my favorite links – online educational resources that I like to use during our homeschool day. I’ve started to categorize them to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. I actually am compiling the list to use as a resource throughout our school...

Online Learning Resources

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I have found that my oldest daughter is really a tactile learner. Essentially, she needs to touch it in order to understand it. This has sometimes made it difficult to teach her – however, I find that using games, videos and manipulatives is an excellent way to help her learn. This morning –...

How Bad Do You Want It?

Asalaam ‘Aalaikum: Thanks to the comments of a visitor – I have something else to share that is on my mind these days. It’s still related to the recent few posts, but perhaps I will take it from a different perspective this time. First of all, check out this blog entry from the sister that...