Arabic Movable Alphabet

Arabic Movable Alphabet

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I just recently finished another Arabic Project: the Arabic Moveable Alphabet. Like the Sandpaper Letters, this project is based on the Montessori Method for English. PURPOSE: To prepare for spelling, writing and reading. MATERIALS NEEDED: A large box with spaces for letters of the alphabet. The boxes contain several copies of the letters...

Arabic Sandpaper Letters

Arabic Sandpaper Letters

Asalaam’ Alaikum : I finally finished my long-awaited project: Arabic Sandpaper Letters (for a larger picture, click on the image above). It took me quite a long time because I have carpal-tunnel in both hands so it slowed me down quite a bit (yes, you have to cut out all of the shapes of the...

Realities of Institutionalized Learning

Realities of Institutionalized Learning

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: The Realities of Institutionalized Learning On a Muslim Homeschooling group that I belong to, someone recently sent a link to this article. I thought it was important – so I’ll share it with you. The following is an excerpt of the article – click above to read the entire article. ” When you...

Learning to Read

Learning to Read

Asalaam 'Alaikum: Teaching your child can be a very exciting time – but also difficult when faced with the many different types of materials available to teach your child. In this case – my experience has shown me that one size definitely does not fit all. I have tried many of the different learning materials...

Teaching Basic Arabic

Teaching Basic Arabic

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Over the past few years I have created a few materials for learning Arabic for my children. Alhumdulilah, they have gone over well – they really like them. If you are interested in using any of these materials, they are available free at the following website: With these games and materials –...

Teaching Values

Teaching Values

Asalaam 'Alaikum, Found a book at the library that looks promising: "The Values Book" by Pam Shiller and Tamera Bryant. It contains lesson ideas and related books to read your child about 16 basic values that you should teach a child. While I think some of these values overlap, when considered from the Islamic perspective,...