Tagged: Arabic Montessori

35 Ways to use DIY Dry-Erase Manipulatives to Teach Arabic

35 Ways to Use your DIY Dry-Erase Manipulatives to Teach Arabic

  Asalaam ‘Alaikum:   In my last post I showed you how I made my own dry-erase manipulatives. Now that you’ve gotten the lesson in how to make them, I’m here to show you how we use them. If you haven’t seen the post on how to make the manipulatives, please check it out first:...

Make Your Own Arabic Alphabet Letter Form Blocks

    Asalaam ‘Alaikum Everyone:   I’ve been hard at work looking around lately for interesting and fun ways to teach my youngest (especially) and the older kiddos Arabic. Fortunately, I’ve been a fountain of ideas lately – and it helps that I’ve also found many teaching ideas online that can be tailored to the...


Yemenlinks.com Updated & Improved

  Asalaam ‘Alaikum: It has taken us quite a while – and quite a bit of work – but we have finally updated and improved the Yemenlinks website. Masha’Allah – we have learned a lot along the way too! We’re quite happy with the way things have turned out – and want you to know...

Playing Games and Montessori Learning for the Young Homeschooled Child

Playing Games and Montessori Learning for the Young Homeschooled Child

  Asalaam ‘Alaikum:   Today I am going to share some ideas about having your child play games while their siblings are busy with school work. Some of these games require assistance, and others do not. I am also going to discuss using the Montessori Method as I feel it is a wonderful way to...

Making a Dollhouse – Part Two

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I am not the most artistic person (at least, not as much as I would love to be). I have great ideas in my head sometimes but it doesn’t always turn out the way I like it. Alhumdulilah, my kids are never very picky (they often love what I make them) and often...

All New Arabic Learning Materials Posted (Finally, whew!)

Asalaam ‘Alaikum Everyone: I finally feel a bit more peaceful now that I have finished what I promised so long ago 🙂 That’s what this picture reminds me of – although after I took this picture I started to become nauseous because the waves started getting unruly! Well, aftter a lot of work, I have...