Tagged: Islamic Homeschooling

Food for Thought . . .

Asalaam ‘Alaikum, While some may think this has nothing to do with homeschooling, the foods we eat and feed our children has been on my mind for quite some time. It’s not only the foods we eat, but also the amount of healthy activities we have in our lives. What I mean is, as Muslims...

Making Arabic Learning Materials Colorful and Interesting

Asalaam ‘Alaikum Everyone and Ramadan Mubarrak! Now, I could have not post until Ramadan is over – but I hate to admit it – we are still trying to work hard and get through our school days. As much as I’d love to take a break (haven’t learned how to successfully yet!) – we just...

Love and Homeschooling Go Hand in Hand

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Perhaps I’m sentimental – perhaps we are just having a good day today – perhaps both, alhumdulilah. Some days just work that way – other days you want to pull out your hair and ask yourself “why am I doing this?” Alhumdulilah – these days definitely balance each other out – and the...

Favorite Learning Links

Favorite Learning Links

Asalaam ‘Alaikum Everyone: I’ve started to compile a list of my favorite links – online educational resources that I like to use during our homeschool day. I’ve started to categorize them to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. I actually am compiling the list to use as a resource throughout our school...

Online Learning Resources

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I have found that my oldest daughter is really a tactile learner. Essentially, she needs to touch it in order to understand it. This has sometimes made it difficult to teach her – however, I find that using games, videos and manipulatives is an excellent way to help her learn. This morning –...

How Bad Do You Want It?

Asalaam ‘Aalaikum: Thanks to the comments of a visitor – I have something else to share that is on my mind these days. It’s still related to the recent few posts, but perhaps I will take it from a different perspective this time. First of all, check out this blog entry from the sister that...