Tagged: Islamic Homeschool

How Do I Manage?

Asalaam’ Alaikum: We recently discussed being able to manage the workload of being a homeschool mom – parent – wife – sister in Islam, etc. etc. There are many homeschool mother’s who absolutely amaze me with all they are able to get done. Some I know personally, and others I follow on the web. However,...

Fun with Spelling

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Spelling time is not always a favorite at my house. Alhumdulilah, I was one of those kids who were born to spell. My favorite toy – I’m not kidding – was the Speak and Spell – when I was growing up! While I was growing up, my dad would actually call me from...

Fortunate to be Homeschooling

Asalaam ‘Alaikum, Alhumdulilah – I am so fortunate to be given the opportunity to home school. Aren’t you? I know many people would think I am crazy for saying this – although none of them home school themselves. However, I’m sure that most of you that home school feel the same way. Now, if you...

Skills and Eating – for Life

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I wasn’t going to post any more this week. However, sometimes enlightenment hits you – even if it’s not an earth shaking idea. I’ll take what I can get! Well, I just borrowed a DVD from the library called “Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger”. Yes, I’m on a quest to eat healthier foods...

What do you recommend?

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I couldn’t help but add one last post for the day. I just received a message on one of the homeschooling groups about a new blog that just started (or perhaps it has been around a while and I just didn’t know about it.) Either way, I think it is a great idea...

The Written Word

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: What can I say, I love writing – it is a passion of mine (reading is up there too). I have been trying to help my girls in their writing. It can be difficult some times. Often they feel they don’t have anything important to say. I’m trying to show them all the...