Tagged: Learn Writing

New Printable Arabic Letter Form Worksheets (Part 2)

New Printable Arabic Letter Form Writing Worksheets (Part 2)

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Well, it’s time again for another upload of the New Arabic Writing Worksheets. I’m trying not to make you wait too long – but it takes a while to make these (especially with the kiddos getting waaaay too excited when Mommy gets distracted, if you know what I mean!) Masha’Allah – it’s not...

Alif - Arabic Writing Practice Worksheets

New Printable Arabic Letter Form Writing Worksheets

    Asalaam ‘Alaikum:   I know how much everyone has been waiting for writing practice worksheets for the Arabic letter forms (beginning – middle and end). Well, wait no more (at least – for the first few letters – for now). I was looking over the writing worksheets to see ways I could improve...

Creative Writing

Why take the Creative out of Writing? Teaching Your Child to Love to Write.

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I know that being a writer at heart causes me to be biased about writing – so you should probably keep that in mind. However, I do feel that learning to write – and learning to enjoy writing are just as important as the other arts. I have found many occasions in my...

Ramadan Lessons, Crafts and Activities

  Asalaam’ Alaikum: There are some wonderful sites available out there with lesson plans, craft ideas and other activities to teach your children about Ramadan. We haven’t added a lot to the materials available over the years – unfortunately – you still find many of the top sites listed under “Ramadan” are sites more geared...

My List of Awesome Language Arts Resources

My List of Awesome Language Arts Resources

Asalaam ‘Alaikum, I’ve already shared my list of Awesome Mathematics Resources – I have more, but have to organize them first (who knows how long that will take?!?) However, I thought it high time I shared some of my favorite Language Arts Resources. You may not find everything in that list (there may be many...

The Written Word

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: What can I say, I love writing – it is a passion of mine (reading is up there too). I have been trying to help my girls in their writing. It can be difficult some times. Often they feel they don’t have anything important to say. I’m trying to show them all the...