Tagged: Muslim Child

Being Active – Hiking the Canyon

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: This weekend we went hiking in a local canyon. The kiddos have always hiked in the mountain before, but not a canyon. They enjoyed learning about a different habitat. Actually, in this hike – at least what we could find out about from the information center – there are actually 4 or 5...

Being Active – Hiking with the Family

Asalaam ‘Alaikum, This weekend we finally started our hiking season. We would have started sooner, but we had several projects around the house to fix up first before getting started. Masha’Allah – how I have missed the outdoors. You have to understand, I lived in the mountains – I grew up to the sound of...

Recycled Crayons

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Quite a few weeks ago we made some recycled crayons. First we needed to peel all the papers off the broken crayons. I already had purchased an old mini-muffin pan from the resale shop and filled them with the broken crayons (we have way too many around here). The smaller the pieces you...

Making a Dollhouse – Part Two

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I am not the most artistic person (at least, not as much as I would love to be). I have great ideas in my head sometimes but it doesn’t always turn out the way I like it. Alhumdulilah, my kids are never very picky (they often love what I make them) and often...

Healthy Cooking – Definitely Not My Mother’s Oatmeal

Asalaam ‘Alaikum, I think I’ve mentioned it in a previous post that I’ve been trying to eat more healthy – and one of the things I mentioned was oatmeal. I actually don’t like oatmeal (we ate it a lot as kids and it was always the kind you just pour the packet and add water)....

My Favorite Islamic Websites

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: We were just recently asked on one of the homeschooling groups if we had any Islamic websites to share. Mind you, I haven’t been searching the web lately for the latest and greatest – however, I like these resources. I not only use them for my own knowledge – but sometimes I also...