Tagged: Muslim Child

Healthy Cooking – Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Pancakes

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: This is not an everyday food (pancakes just don’t agree with me) – but I am not too strict with our healthy diet that I don’t allow us to have treats from time to time. However, whenever I make a treat – I try to make it as healthy as I can. We...

Advice to Homeschooling Mothers – Continue to Educate Yourself

Asalaam ‘Alaikum, As Muslim homeschoolers – we are truly blessed. There is much knowledge available that is extremely beneficial for the homeschooling mother – whether it is directly related to homeschooling or not. There is a lot of knowledge that can truly be a blessing and a motivation in your homeschooling life. We have a...

Advice to Homeschooling Mothers – Take Care of Yourself

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I’m sure I am not the first homeschooling mother to put her own needs aside for the benefit of the kids and family. You always wonder where you are going to fit another thing into your schedule – where are you going to get the time? Well, in case you haven’t already learned...

Salad and Independence

Asalaam ‘Alaikum, I don’t know about everyone else, but as a homeschooling mother – I gladly welcome any type of help I can get around the house (not many volunteers, though 🙂 except for Expert “Messer-Uppers”). Besides that, sometimes the kiddos actually want to help, but I worry about their safety. And – as kids...

My List of Awesome Language Arts Resources

My List of Awesome Language Arts Resources

Asalaam ‘Alaikum, I’ve already shared my list of Awesome Mathematics Resources – I have more, but have to organize them first (who knows how long that will take?!?) However, I thought it high time I shared some of my favorite Language Arts Resources. You may not find everything in that list (there may be many...

Sewing Prayer Garments & Hijab for the Muslim Child

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I’d love to just be able to buy the things I need – but I rarely easily find what I need. When purchasing prayer garments for yourself or your children – or buying hijabs as well – you run into a few dilemmas: (1) you can buy a reasonably priced one that will...