Tagged: Muslim Homeschool Advice

Sorry We’ve Been So Quiet!

Asalaam ‘Alaikum Everyone: I hope this post reaches everyone in the best of health and iman. I know that things have been so quiet over here (which is really irregular for me – if you know me, you will agree!) We’re still adjusting to our new addition – Ayah. She’s now 4 months old and...

Book Recommendations

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: As I’m sure you’ve heard before – we are voracious readers in our house (at least I am and the kids are following suit, insha’Allah). Since we have been visiting the library mostly on a weekly basis – practically since the girls were born – I thought I’d share my favorite books with...

Encouraging a Younger Learner

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I’m sure you’ve heard me ask – time and again it seems – how to keep my youngest from absolute boredom and from constantly disrupting our lessons with my oldest daughter. It has not been easy – I have tried everything – from playdough, coloring, her own “workbook” etc., but she constantly disrupts...

Excellent Lesson Plan Resource for Younger Children

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Well, as you know by now, our favorite place to spend time is in the library. During the same time I found those excellent books on science experiments, I also found Word Book’s Childcraft – The How and Why Library. This encyclopedia set is published by World Book. Out of curiosity, I took...

Fun with Science

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Found another gem at the library (yes, we spend a lot of time there, masha’Allah). I thought I would look for some fun science books and while browsing the shelf came across the book “Kitchen Science” by Shar Levine & Leslie Johnstone. I can’t recommend this book highly enough. I actually have a...

Math Does Not Need to Be Boring

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: We have been working on our math skills lately. We are currently using Saxon Math for Kindergarten. My daughter really loves it because it deals a lot with manipulatives – she thinks she is just having fun – so I can’t complain. Recently I went to the library and found some interesting books...