Tagged: Muslim Homeschool Advice

Children are Dreamers

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Anyone who knows me – at least if you are on any of the homeschooling groups I belong to – know that lately I’ve been “freaking out” about how I’m doing with the girls schooling. Worrying . . . worrying . . . worrying . . . Had my parents known me better...

Reflections on The Hurried Child

Reflections on The Hurried Child

Asalaam 'Alaikum: I have been spending any free-time I have (which isn't much) reading "The Hurried Child (Third Edition)" by David Elkind, Ph.D.  I highly recommend this book to anyone who has children, insha'Allah.  On many of the homeschooling lists I belong to, there are often discussions on why do you homeschool?  I am amazed...

Realities of Institutionalized Learning

Realities of Institutionalized Learning

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: The Realities of Institutionalized Learning On a Muslim Homeschooling group that I belong to, someone recently sent a link to this article. I thought it was important – so I’ll share it with you. The following is an excerpt of the article – click above to read the entire article. ” When you...